Description: This workshop on Health Equity and Mental Health will discuss the social determinants of mental health, and provide space to graduate students for discussing their experiences to foster solidarity. Scenarios of common experiences of graduate students will be provided for participants to brainstorm strategies for advocacy. Space will be provided for people to discuss self care and community care strategies. Resources will also be provided for the graduate student participants.
After the workshop, we hope students will…
- Develop peer to peer support strategies.
- Brainstorm strategies for how to navigate mental health and graduate school dynamics.
- Be connected to more resources available to graduate students.
- Come away with more solidarity and a clearer understanding of how health equity impacts mental health.
Date: Tuesday, January 26th, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
The Presenters
Máiri McKenna Edwards, Coordinator, Equity Diversity & Inclusivity Training
Shaneka Anderson, Equity Diversity & Inclusion Student Leader